• Located in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx, Zoodohos Peghe Church is a faithful community of Christians… who WELCOME ALL to this sacred oasis.

    As a Bronx hidden treasure, we passionately serve our Borough and the larger world, opening our portals unconditionally to all. Become part of who we are, through our cultural community offerings, beautiful music and powerful inspirational worship services.

    Throughout the year we worship God, serving not only our own membership but also many others who are seeking God, truth or a spiritual center for themselves.

    We think of our sacred space as a gift-something bequeathed to us by our forbears but a gift we know we are called to share with others. Our members and visitors come from the whole New York metropolitan area, from other parts of the country. All guests who present themselves are welcomed as Christ.

    Whether your visit is actually in New York, or virtually on the site, we welcome you.

  • My Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

    Christ is Risen!

    This is the great, sweet, and strong proclamation and greeting that sounded today, the day of the illuminating Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    This greeting, this proclamation, is filled with joy, hope, strength, consolation, peace and eternal life for the whole Christian race all over the world. It is impossible to not touch the human existence when it has the flame of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ inside its heart.

    In the warmth of our heart and from the depth of love inside of this Sunday of the Resurrection of our Christ, let us all feel this new breath, which springs from the tomb of our Savior God and to know the new life, which today, this bright Sunday inaugurates the love of our God for humans.

    Xronia Polla!
    Rev. Vasilios Louros

  • Αγαπητοί μου αδελφοί,

    Χριστός Ανέστη!

    Αυτό είναι το μέγιστο και γλυκό δυναμικό άγγελμα και χαιρετισμός, που ήχησε σήμερα, την ημέρα της Φωτοφόρου Αναστάσεως του Κυρίου ημών Ιησού Χριστού.

    Αυτός ο χαιρετισμός, αυτό το άγγελμα είναι γεμάτο χαρά, ελπίδα, δύναμη, παρηγοριά, ειρήνη και αιώνια ζωή για όλο το χριστεπώνυμο πλήρωμα απανταχού της γης. Είναι αδύνατον να μην αγγίξει την ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη όταν έχει τη φλόγα της πίστεως στον Κύριο Ιησού Χριστό μέσα στην καρδιά της.

    Εν θέρμη καρδίας και εκ βάθους αγάπης μέσα από αυτή την Κυριακή της Αναστάσεως του Χριστού μας, να αισθανθούμε πάντες τη νέα αυτή πνοή, η οποία αναβλύζει από τον τάφο του Σωτήρος ημών Θεού και να γνωρίσουμε τη νέα ζωή, που σήμερα αυτή τη λαμπρή Κυριακή εγκαινιάζει η αγάπη του Θεού μας για τον άνθρωπο.

    Χρόνια Πολλά.
    Οικονόμος Βασίλειος Λούρος

Register for Sunday School NOW!

Classes start on September 15th.

Thanksgiving Luncheon
is on Sunday, November 10

Community Kitchen Fundraiser

Archbishop Elpidoforos
Blessing of the Spring of Zoodohos Peghe, Bronx

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