Our Community History

(L to R) ?, Mr. Kaganis, Mr. Christie, Mr. Carlaftes,

Mrs. Carlaftes, Mrs. Bokios, Mr. Bokios, Mr. Lazaridis

Dr. Nick Germanakos, Mr. Mamaes

Mayor Koch, +Father Germanos

Haeda Mihaltsis, Kosta Panopoulos, Helen Potiamos, Olympia Daskalakis

As we upload new photos and names, please be patient. If you can help us identify people or see a misprint please email athenalongoria@verizon.net.
ZP Family Archive
Throughout the years the Zoodohos Community has built many beautiful memories together. Do you have photographs and/or video you would like to share? This will help document our church’s history and share a variety of perspectives.
By uploading photos or videos you agree to the following: you own the rights to the photo or video, and are authorized to share it publically; you are permitting Zoodohos Peghe Greek Orthodox Church to use the photo or video in digital or print publication without notifying or citing you; Zoodohos Peghe Greek Orthodox Church reserves the right to not use your submitted photos or videos in digital or print publication.