Saint Anthony the Great
Οσίου Αντωνίου του Μεγάλου
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
12th Sunday of Luke
The St. Athanasios Association of Persita will host their annual artoclasia and luncheon immediately following liturgy. There will be no coffee hour.
Saint Efthymios the Great
Οσίου Ευθυμίου του Μεγάλου
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
Small Compline
Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos 6pm
(Last service before the Summer season)
Saint Gregory the Theologian
Αγίου Γρηγορίου του Θεολόγου
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
Veneration of the Relics of Saint John Chrysostom
Ανακομιδή Λειψάνου Αγίου Ιωάννου του Χρυσοστόμου Αρχιεπισκόπου
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
Bible Study
Please join us as we dig deeper into the Holy scriptures of our faith and discuss spiritual topics. Fr. Vasilios will lead the discussion, but it is intended to be conversational, so please join us and join in the conversation!
Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs
Αγίων Τριών Ιεραρχών και Οικουμενικών Διδασκάλων
Βασιλείου του Μεγάλου
Γρηγορίου του Θεολόγου
Ιωάννου του Χρυσοστόμου
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
Small Compline
Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos 6pm
(Last service before the Summer season)
Philoptochos Comedy Night
Philoptochos Comedy night with Ellen Karis. Details to follow.
Breakfast with Santa
Liturgy will finish early to accommodate presentation of pageant, christmas breakfast and festivities and players to get to basketball games.
Sunday Before Nativity
Orthros 7:30 am Liturgy 8:45am
Liturgy will end early to accommodate Pageant, Breakfast with Santa and Basketball games.
Christmas Cookies & Crafts for Kids
In ZP School Kitchen on lower level
RSVP to Vickie Tsakmakis (347)387-5765 or Maria Papalani (347)971-7373
Saint Ignatius the God-Bearer Saint John of Kronstadt
Αγίου Ιγνατίου του Θεοφόρου
Αγίου Ιωάννη της Κρονστάνδης
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
Small Compline
Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos 6pm
(Last service before the Summer season)
Saint Dionysios of Zakynthos
Αγίου Διονυσίου Επισκόπου Αιγίνης
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
Bible Study
Please join us as we dig deeper into the Holy scriptures of our faith and discuss spiritual topics. Fr. Vasilios will lead the discussion, but it is intended to be conversational, so please join us and join in the conversation!
11th Sunday of Luke Saint Elefthertios the Holy Martyr
Orthros 8:30am & Divine Liturgy 9:45 am
Sunday School Christmas Party at St. Michaels
Help make this holiday season special for both young and old alike. Let's come together as a community and share the spirit of Christmas with those who would appreciate it the most.
Thyrsos, Leucius,& Callinicos, Martyrs of Apollonia
Θύρσου, Λευκίου, Καλλινίκου των Μαρτύρων Ἀπολλωνίου 8:30 πμ
Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes of Greater Armenia
Μαρτύρων Εὐστρατίου, Αὐξεντίου, Εὐγενίου, Μαρδαρίου καί Ὀρέστου
Όρθρος 8:30 πμ & Θεία Λειτουργία 9:45 πμ
Small Compline
Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos 6pm
(Last service before the Summer season)